1. A Star of Autosurfs, как гласит главная страница MegaLido.com, действительно светит все ярче и ярче на небосводе сегодняшних серфов. Всего за 6 недель пребывания на сцене, он уже успел преодолеть отметку в 3000 зарегистрированных пользователей и с упорством олимпийца штурмует новые рекорды.
Конечно, до настоящих побед проекту ещё далеко, но на сегодняшний момент он является явным фаворитом в гонке за звание «Главного Инвест-Серфинга сезона 08—09». Проекту доверяют все больше людей, а админ Майкл делает все от него зависящее, чтобы участие в его программе приносило только положительные эмоции.
При этом, он не только продолжает платить в считанные часы и даже минуты, но еще и продолжает развивать проект. В ближайшее время планируется добавить обменник со скидками для участников MegaLido. Совсем недавно ему пришлось нанять помощника, давнего друга Энди, который теперь будет помогать ему справляться с все растущим объемом работы.
Уже стартовал Mega-контест, который обещает немало фана (и поистине ценные призы!) для всех, кто является участником программы.
Условия просты, тот, кто наберет больше всех очков становится одним из 5 победителей.
Вот как можно заработать эти очки:
Апгрейды: 1 балл за каждую купленную единицу апгрейда.
Приглашение: 1 балл за каждого привлеченного участника
5 баллов за каждого участника, сделавшего апгрейд
*Bonus: пригласите более 20 активных участников и получите 100 extra points, (что в сумме за индивидуальными поощрениями даст 200 баллов).
Победа в конкурсе на активность: 20 points
Победа в конкурсе на креативность: 50 points
Скриншот о выплате на форуме: 5 points
Review пргораммы в блоге или сайте: 25 points
Конкурс стартут сегодня 23 Сентября, прошлый апгрейды/посты/ревью — не в счет!
Количество набранных пользователями баллов не будет опубликовано до конца соревнования.
Окончание конкурса — 1 Октября 2008 года.
1st prize: $500 на ваш счет в платежной системе
2nd prize: $300
3rd prize: $150
4th prize: Новейший iPhone*
5th prize: iPhone*
6th prize: iPhone*
7th prize: апгрейд на $180 на аккаунт MegaLido
8th prize: $120 на аккаунт MegaLido
9th prize: $90 на аккаунт MegaLido
10th prize: $60 на аккаунт MegaLido
11th prize: $50 на ваш счет в платежной системе
12th prize: $48 на аккаунт MegaLido
13th prize: $36 на аккаунт MegaLido
14th prize: $30 на аккаунт MegaLido
15th prize: $24 на аккаунт MegaLido
*iPhones будут приобретены на ebay и отосланы через Fedex,срок доставки — в течение 1 недели.
Enjoy it!
Весьма и весьма неплохо, на правда ли?!
В связи с этим специально для читателей этого блока новостей объявляю АКЦИЮ (да, я ужастно хочу выиграть что-нибудь!) - 100% с первого депозита, и 90% с каждого последующего до окончания конкурса. Подробнее > >
Очень трудно продолжать после такой радостной новости, но я попробую.
2. Другой многообещающий проект, о котором я рассказывал ранее, Surf2Sawa, также вовсю растет ввысь и вширь.
Помимо Регистрации доменов и обменного сервиса теперь пользователи могут испытать удачу и прикупить лотерейные билеты по цене 1$ за штуку.
Но более важной новостью стало добавление non-surf plan (4% в день), котрый позволит не серфить каждый день и при этом получать процент, гораздо выше чем в многих хайпах.
You asked for it and now it is so. Surf 2 Sawa was good before but now is better.
Now you can hyip 2 sawa. I have had a non surf plan added. The non surf plan will pay 4% until members cash out. it is 1% less then surfing but it is as it should be.
The non surf plan is separate from the surf plan. So this means that if your in the non surf plan and surf you do not earn more, or if your in the surf plan and dont surf you do not earn for those upgrades.
Hope to see members taking advantage of this new income stream and option.
3. После 2ух дней отсутствия, вернулся в строй 8DailyForever.net. Проект-долгожитель, работающий по той же схеме что и Surf2Sawa (на самом деле, это S2S работает по схеме 8DF ;)), переехал на новый сервер и продолжает приносить свои участникам по 5% ежедневно до момента, когда сам пользователь закажет вывод средства.
It's a FANTASTIC morning, isn't it ?
I am happy, and above all THANKFUL that our beloved 8DF is back. Once BlockDos received our new dedicated server (they were slowed initially by the fact that their supplier dispatches only on biz days and our DDOS attack occurred on a Friday!) , they worked diligently to integrate it and got us online very quickly. They have assured me that between the upgraded ded server and much increased DDOS protection, we should now be able to withstand any «slings and arrows» the DDOS attackers can throw at us. (As this is costing us a staggering monthly fee, I sure hope so !)
Regarding the all important missed surf earnings !
I would really like to apply lost earnings for EVERYONE, and after a sleepless night, I have figured out a way to do it. YEAH !
As yourwithdrawal requests come in (Phase 1 when you choose to expire them, and Phase 2 at the 30 day expiry), I will check your accounts before paying, and add the days you missed between Sept. 19th and Sept. 22nd. According to support mails, members have missed between 2 and 4 days., depending on where you live in this world of ours ! This will take time of course, and may slow down withdrawal payouts a bit, but I think it's the most expedient way to do it.
There is a «Surf Holiday» feature in the script, but in my experience it seems to hit and miss. I will try that first, and if it works, wonderful. If not, I'll do them manually. So R.I.P…..you will all receive full earnings !
Happy Surfing, and thanks for all your support these past 4 days. Without your words of encouragement, my task would have been so much harder.
Your 8DF Support Friend,
4. Aggeroinvesment быстро преодолел легкое «детское» недомогание, и без потерь вернулся на арену на новеньком выделенном «коне» с ДДоС-защитной «сбруей».
А заодно принес несколько небольших, но приятных изменений:
- MINIMUM DEPOSIT — Минимальный депозит будет увеличен с 1 до 3 всех платежных систем.
- INSTANT PAYMENTS — депозиты в Liberty Reserve будут выплачиваться немедленно Iначиная с 27го Сентября. Это означает, что после подачи заявки на вывод, средства немедленно будут отправлены на ваш кошелек. AlterGold на очереди.
I hope you are all having a wonderful day! I have some major announcements on this newsletter that I can’t wait until Friday to send this out. I hope you read it in it’s entirety as you do not want to miss some of the news I will reveal.
First of all, I would like to thank you all for you support. We are stronger than ever! Funds have been coming in regularly and we are gaining the trust of many members putting in the big amounts. Outside investments are also gaining grounds and making us good profits. There will be no stopping us now!
Secondly, pay attention as these are the important announcements:
- FIRST MONTH ANNIVERSARY — it is our first month anniversary on Saturday, Sept. 27th! Congratulations to all members! Some of the announcements here will start on that day as our gift to all of you.
- LIVE HELP SUPPORT — if you’ve noticed on the main page (and all the other pages), there’s a new Live Help icon on the right menu. This is one additional way for us to communicate with you better. If you need immediate help and want to chat with a support representative (usually me) then I will be online between 1—3 PM server time Monday to Friday. Or anytime that it says ONLINE. If it says OFFLINE then you can use the form to send me a support email (or just to say hi) much like using the support form. Soon, as the program grows, I will add more support reps to take care of your issues.
- LANGUAGE TRANSLATION — We’ve just added a French translation of the menus for all our French customers. English and Italian has been there since the beginning, if you haven’t noticed. We might look for Spanish and German translators within our community. If you would like to help in translating then email me using the support form.
- MINIMUM DEPOSIT — Minimum deposit will be increased from $1 to $3 on all processors. Adpacks are still $1 each and you can still purchase one adpack. This is effective today.
- PAYMENTS ARE ON TIME — All payments are way earlier than 24 hours including the weekends. We have enough funds to settle all requests as I see it without waiting. As of this moment, there are no pending requests. AND now for some great news…
- INSTANT PAYMENTS — LibertyReserve deposits will be paid INSTANTLY starting Sept 27th. Meaning, when you put in your request, the system will pay you automatically and should arrive in your LR account instantaneously. AlterGold will follow soon, we will just wait for them to get their acts together. Unfortunately, SolidTrustPay doesn’t allow instant payments so I will still pay for them as I see it.
- PROMOTION — I promised a promotion for all our loyal upgraded members. Well, here it is! Starting Sept 27th, we are going to add a page on the site rotator that can win you 10% of your total active upgrade at that time. There’s going to be 10 lucky winners (sorry but you can’t win twice or more)! If while surfing, you see the winning page, you will just click on a button and your prize will be automatically added to your cash balance. it is then up to you on how you would like to use it. The more adpacks you buy, the more higher your prize will be! Remember that there’s a lot of sites on our rotator so finding the winning page could be challenging. Oh and free members is not eligible to see the winning page, I do not want to waste a win on a free surfer.
That’s about it for this newsletter. Hope you are excited in whats to come, as I am really excited about our future!
5. Tradelite поделилися своими успехами за прошедшие четыре месяца и надо сказать, выглядит все до безобразия оптимистично. 44,91% новых аакаунтов было зарегистрировано по пригласительным (они же, реферральские) ссылкам, что показавает нважность общественной активности для проектов такого рода. Однако для стабильности программы будет лучше, чтобы реф. вознаграждение было снижено, что и планируется провесть в Январе-Феврале следующего, 2009 года.
Но более интересны другие цифры:
Средний объем инвестиции вырос со $108,65 до $712,98 с мая этого года. 22,76% из вкладов идут на план 20D, 36,50% на 40D и 40,74% на 60D, что показывает большую степень доверия вкладчиков. Теперь инветируют больше и на более долгий срок.
“It has been more than four months since our last newsletter. Tradelite has evolved a lot since May 2008 when our online venture was still quite new. For most of you, this will actually be the first newsletter you have received from us. It will briefly summarize our activities during the past few months and it will also give you an idea about our great plans for the future.
I. Platform News
Our membership count has been experiencing a healthy growth during the past few months and we did not really see any slowdown during the summer period. The active accounts (those with at least one active investment contract) represent 73,12% of all investment accounts. Let me remind you that our accounts are obligation-free, which means that there is no time limit for your active participation into any of our Investment Contracts.
44,91% of all new accounts were created using the invitation link of an already existing account. The increase of this figure has once again proven that the word of mouth is the strongest and most reliable marketing campaign. The pay-for-performance model of our Invitation Program has been very successful thus far. Please note, however, that once we reach a satisfactory level of membership, we would have to gradually decrease the commission rates paid by our Invitation Program. Our projections show that this should happen in January or February at latest, 2009.
The average investment figure has soared to $712,98 from $108,65 back in May. 22,76% of all portfolios consist of 20D contracts in comparison to 36,50% for 40D and 40,74% for 60D contracts. These figures are a clear sign that most of our members have shifted to larger investments in contracts with longer investment terms. The re-investment rate has been 66,83% on average, which is a slight decrease from our previous figure, mainly due to our current maximum investment limits, which do not allow most of our members with larger investments to re-invest part of their Investment Income.
II. Payment Methods
Back in May, we worked with LibertyReserve (USD) only. We have become a lot more flexible since those days. Today, we accept LibertyReserve, StrictPay, PerfectMoney and AlterGold. We have also provided Direct Bank Wire Transfers (for both your investments and withdrawals) based on our free-of-fee guarantee. In addition, you have the option to carry out your transactions with us using two major currencies — US Dollars and Euro.
We are currently looking to expand your payment options by introducing direct Visa/MasterCard credit card transactions. We are already in discussions with two major credit card processing companies and we hope to be able to close a deal in the near future.
III. Tradelite Debit Cards
Since June 2008, we have been offering Free Tradelite Debit Cards to our platform members. We initially started with Visa-based debit cards, however due to privacy and mainly due to tax related reasons, most of our members have opted for an anonymous debit card with lower fees. Nevertheless, the new card can also be used at 98% of the cash machines and stores where Visa cards are normally accepted. Besides the free delivery to your door, withdrawals from your Tradelite account to your debit card are free of charge and are processed within 1—2 business days. Our cards come with a separate online card management account, where you will be able to track your card transactions.
For more information on our card offer, please visit the Tradelite Debit Card section within your Tradelite account.
IV. Brief Trading News
I would like to address some concerns regarding the performance of the Trading Department of Tradelite Finance Corp. during the recent changes in the financial world.
You are probably aware of the recent market turmoil which hit all major financial markets, even in the emerging economies. One of the main reasons for the failure of a company, which became familiar to Bear Sterns and Lehman Brothers recently, is when it cannot fulfill its short-term obligations — which is called a liquidity problem. Each Investment Contract is an obligation of Tradelite Finance Corp. to you as an investor. We have dedicated a whole offshore portfolio to Sell-Short positions which become profitable once the prices start falling. Most of the time, our returns exceed by far the returns we pay out. In addition, we allocate a portion of our earnings to a reserve portfolio consisting of less volatile instruments. These reserves are used to pay out part of our obligations to our investors in case of a trading period with smaller returns. Your returns are fixed, so you should not be worried about our trading performance. Our in-house Value-At-Risk hedging strategy has allowed to us to make very wise investment decisions a priori to market downturns. Risk mitigation has been one of the strongest sides of Tradelite Finance Corp.
V. Platform Development
We are currently working on two minor and one major upgrades of Tradelite Online Investment Platform.
Minor Upgrades
- You will soon be able to make instant exchanges between different available balances, so you can minimize your fees by dealing with only one payment processor;
- Another feature will give you the option to instantly receive an SMS to your mobile phone each time there has been a change in your Tradelite account balance.
Multi-language Platform
The major change, which should become reality by the end of the year, will be the introduction of a multi-language platform in 5 languages. This upgrade will also include multi-language support. We have already completed the French and the German versions and we are working on the Spanish, Hindi and Mandarin.
To conclude, I would like to add that if you need our assistance or have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time using any of the methods available on our website.”
6. Похоже, серф-план 12% на 12 дней переживает второе рождение, поскольку все больше проектов не стесняются заявлять 144% прибыли в качестве инвест-предложения. Еще один проект выставил именно такие цифры на своей главной страницы. Уникальный скрипт и гибридный план (вы получаете инстантом первые 12% с вашего депозита, а остальное — по истечению через 12 дней.) - пожалуй, единственные достоинства LibertyReturn.net, но если кому-то хочется поиграться, то сейчас самое время, учитывая 3ех уровневую реф. систему (1st Level — 7%, 2nd Level — 2%, 3rd Level —1%)
7. Подвел на этой наделе только AlterGold.com. Уже несколько дней эта платежная система находится в оффлайне и мешает ровной работе принимающих эту валюту проектам. Наконец-то настраивают новую, давно обещаную платформу?
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